Sunday, October 6, 2019


                                                                     photo by Gavin Farrell
Pick a simple theme and never dream too bright so as they will notice
because we can't take the chance of drawing their glances our way 
since we all know the pupil narrowing to discern us is ruled completely
by artificially intelligent algorithms devised from a cross-bonding 
of all perspectives both flora and fauna as well as bacteriological 
fungal and viral extracted from the seething mass of evolutionary
tendencies mapped out from within and without all the cameras
that malfunctioned in the end there were plenty of viewpoints
preserved in the frozen snap shots of moments recorded in 
the cloud of memories in electromagnetic suspension awaiting 
their decanting back into the fold of our ever growing appetite
for devouring the past in as many bite sized increments as we
can possibly get ahold of before their accumulated gravitational
force outweighs our best efforts to prevent their accursed
waterline rising to drown us if we forget one simple thing
to just not recall it all as well and let the memory go on echoing
until the vagaries of our mutual new dawning comprehension
allows for these lucid diamond moments to vanish with no trace
never dream to remember such precious lost moments in time
just live on to engender an even brighter position of thine

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